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Overlapping Welding: What Is It? How it Causes & How to Avoid?

Overlapping welding is a common welding defect that occurs when the filler metal flows beyond the weld toe or root, creating an excess layer of material that does not properly fuse with the base metal. Overlapping welding can affect the appearance, cost, and quality of the weld, and should be avoided whenever possible.

In this article, we will explain what causes overlapping welding, how to prevent it, and how to fix it if it happens. We will also introduce you to some of the best welding products from Megmeet Welding Technology (the following: Megmeet), a leading manufacturer of welding equipment and solutions.

I. What Causes Overlapping Welding?

There are four main factors that can cause overlapping welding: amperage, travel speed, electrode selection and usage, and welding technique. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

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1) Amperage

Amperage or current is the amount of electricity that flows through the welding circuit. If the amperage is set too high, it can result in excess filler metal in the weld pool, which can overflow and solidify improperly. To avoid this, you should check a settings chart to determine the optimal amperage for your specific job, and perform test welds to fine-tune your settings. If you notice overlapping welding, you should lower the amperage gradually until you achieve a clean weld.

2) Travel Speed

Travel speed is the rate at which you move the welding torch or electrode along the joint. If the travel speed is too low, it can cause filler metal to accumulate in the weld pool, leading to overlapping welding when the filler metal cannot properly fuse with the parent metal. The remedy is simple: increase your travel speed if you notice overlapping welding. However, be careful not to go too fast, as this can introduce other problems such as lack of penetration or undercutting. The key is to find a balanced travel speed that prevents overlapping welding while avoiding other defects.

3) Electrode Selection and Usage

Electrode selection and usage can also affect how much filler metal is deposited in the weld pool. Choosing the wrong electrode size or angle can lead to overlapping welding by affecting how much filler metal is added to the weld pool. To prevent this, you should select the correct electrode size and angle for your job, based on factors such as material thickness, joint type, position, and polarity. You should also avoid using worn-out or contaminated electrodes, as they can introduce impurities or inconsistencies in the weld pool.

4) Welding Technique

The welding technique is perhaps the most important factor in preventing overlapping welding. Welding technique refers to how you manipulate the welding torch or electrode during the welding process. A good welding technique involves maintaining a consistent arc length, a steady travel speed, a proper work angle, and a smooth motion. A poor welding technique can result in overlapping welding by causing irregularities in the weld pool, such as turbulence, spatter, or slag inclusion.

II. How to Prevent Overlapping Welding

The best way to prevent overlapping welding is to follow the best practices for each of the factors mentioned above: amperage, travel speed, electrode selection and usage, and welding technique. By doing so, you can ensure that the filler metal properly mixes and fuses with the base metal, creating a smooth and uniform weld.

However, sometimes overlapping welding can occur even if you follow these best practices. This can happen due to external factors such as environmental conditions, material quality, or equipment malfunction. In these cases, you should inspect your work area and equipment before starting your job, and make sure that everything is in good condition and working order. You should also perform regular quality checks during your job, using appropriate non-destructive testing methods such as visual inspection or radiography.

III. How to Fix Overlapping Welding

If overlapping welding occurs despite your best efforts to prevent it, you may need to fix it by removing the excess material and re-welding the joint. This can be done by using various methods such as grinding, chipping, gouging, or cutting. However, before you do so, you should make sure that fixing the overlapping welding is necessary and worth it.

Sometimes, overlapping welding may not affect the performance or functionality of the weldment significantly enough to warrant a repair. For example, if the weldment is not subject to high stress or pressure, or if the appearance of the weldment is not important for its intended use. In these cases, fixing the overlapping welding may not be cost-effective or time-efficient.

On the other hand, sometimes fixing the overlapping welding may be mandatory or desirable for various reasons. For example, if the weldment is subject to strict quality standards or specifications that require a certain level of weld quality or appearance. Or if the weldment is intended for a critical or aesthetic application that demands a high level of weld integrity or appearance. In these cases, fixing the overlapping welding may be necessary or beneficial.

IV. Megmeet: Your Trusted Partner for Welding Solutions

If you are looking for high-quality welding products and solutions, you should check out Megmeet, a leading manufacturer of welding equipment and solutions. Megmeet offers a wide range of welding products and provides customized welding solutions, such as welding automation, welding system integration, and welding process optimization.

Megmeet has over 20 years of experience in the welding industry and has served customers from various sectors, such as automotive, shipbuilding, energy, construction, and more. Megmeet has a strong R&D team that constantly innovates and develops new products and technologies to meet the changing needs and challenges of the welding market. Megmeet also has a strict quality control system that ensures the reliability and durability of its products and solutions.

Megmeet is committed to providing its customers with the best welding solutions possible, and helping them achieve their welding goals efficiently and effectively. Whether you need a simple welding machine or a complex welding system, Megmeet can help you find the right solution for your job. To learn more about Megmeet and its products and solutions, please visit their website at

V. Conclusion

Overlapping welding is a common welding defect that can affect the quality and appearance of your weld. It is caused by various factors, such as amperage, travel speed, electrode selection and usage, and welding technique. To prevent overlapping welding, you should follow the best practices for each of these factors, and inspect your work area and equipment before and during your job. To fix overlapping welding, you may need to remove the excess material and re-weld the joint, depending on the severity and impact of the defect.

If you are looking for high-quality welding products and solutions, you should check out Megmeet, a leading manufacturer of welding equipment and solutions. Megmeet offers a wide range of welding products and solutions for various applications and industries. Megmeet also provides customized welding solutions to meet your specific needs and challenges.

We hope this article has helped you understand what overlapping welding is and how to avoid it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. 

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