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Robotic and Automatic Welding Power Sources

Smart Robotic Arc Welding with FANUC, ABB, KUKA, YASKAWA...

For 7 consecutive years since 2014, MEGMEET has been the market leader with the highest share of GMAW (MIG/MAG/CO2) equipment for robotic arc welding in China, the biggest single-country market in the world.

Capable of communicating with industrial robots and cobots by almost all international or regional manufacturers. Convenient to select robot type through one click in the internal menu. 

Multiple baud rate built-in, capable of communicating with multiple third-party devices simultaneously. 

54V for touch sensing, allowing better performance with workpieces with rust, dirt, and oily surfaces. 

Perfectly support TAST (Thru-arc Seam Tracking) function by robots by different manufacturers. Especially suitable for robotic welding of thick plates. 

High-speed inter-communication of welding parameters with the robot controller. Highly open to parameter adjustments. 

Supporting push-pull torch for robotic welding. Capable of synchronizing motor torque and speed between the push-pull torch and wire-feeder without extra devices. Capable of driving push-pull torch directly.

Relay wire-feeder of synchronization is optionally available for wire barrels, especially suitable for welding conditions with long wire conduits. 

Megmeet Robotic and Automatic Welding
Application & Industries

Application and Industries

  • MEGMEET Ship-building welding solutions - Robotic and Automatic Welding
    Shipbuilding Welding
  • MEGMEET Yellow Goods welding solutions - Robotic and Automatic Welding
    Yellow Goods Welding
  • MEGMEET Steel Fabrication welding solutions - Robotic and Automatic Welding
    Steel Fabrication Welding
  • MEGMEET Sea Shipping Containers welding solutions - Robotic and Automatic Welding
    Sea-shipping Containers Welding


Smart Design and Rich Experience in Robotic Arc Welding

焊机与机器人及专机通讯方式一览表.jpgCommunication Protocol - Robotic and Automatic Welding - Megmeet

Solutions & Case Studies